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Upcoming Litters


Missy with her puppies from Macchiato August 2023


On the Horizon: 


Because of the way we raise our puppies, we begin looking for their families before we even know their mother's due date. We take this time to screen potential families in time for them to be able to watch the delivery of their puppy's litter and follow them as they grow. We want families to have a little time to get to know each puppy so that when we begin accepting deposits, they can choose which puppy is most suited for them.


Below is our outlook for 2024. If you click on the parents' names, a new tab will open up a video of the puppies from those parents paired together last year. This will be Daisy's first litter with Macchiato so we don't have any videos of puppies between the two of them yet. More videos can be found on our YouTube channel. We have them organized in playlists by parents' names.


Our fall litter lineup is now known:

(1) Robin whelped her puppies September 5th

(2) Myra due September 24th (roughly)

(3) Remy due September 28th

(4) Missy due October 22nd


Robin had one very handsome B&T boy and 2 beautiful blenheim girls with perfect thumbprints! Myra's litter be half tricolor, half blenheim, while Remy's litter will be all blenheim pups. This is Missy's very last litter before being spayed & retired. She is expecting puppies of all coat colors.


Catch Robin's Delivery Here


Fall 2024


Robin x Macchiato

Missy x Macchiato

M&M pups @ 18 days

Remy x Macchiato

Robin & Remy's Litters with Macchiato (featuring Myra)


Late Fall/Winter 2024

Daisy x Macchiato

Daisy's litter with our blenheim stud dog


Has your therapist or psychiatrist recommended an Emotional Support Animal?


Many families come to us in need of something more than just a family dog; sometimes they've experienced a tragedy they are struggling to get through, or they have a family member with significant mental health or emotional needs. Cavaliers are known for being extremely snuggly and highly affectionate. Not just those things, but they have the ability to 'tune in' to our emotional needs and adapt to meet what we may need at any given time. 


We pair together a mom and a dad who are already serving as ESAs for our family. The parents of your puppy are already trained therapy dogs, and their gentle nature reverberates through the upbringing of their pups. After birth, we help Mom raise her litter with special attention paid to the puppies' emotional-social development. We prepare our puppies for life as therapeutic family pets, and the nature of their breed is ripe for that life! We learn about our families so we can do as much as we can to prepare their puppy for their new life.


ESAs are much more than "just a good family dog." An ESA can recognize when and how you need emotional support. ESAs, while not full service dogs, are protected by some laws (more on that in a second!) to prevent the separation of ESA handler and ESA. Hotels cannot refuse their stay, and are required to waive any standard 'pet fees.' A Landlord cannot prevent you from moving in with your ESA just because they do not allow pets. Unfortunately, some locales are clamping down on ESA rights, so we encourage those who can to certify their ESA as a Psychiatric Service Dog - a process that is not as arduous as one may think. Please let us know if you have any questions - we would be happy to help direct you to the right place.


Our puppies are truly one of kind. This breed is, without a doubt, the best breed there is for companionship, as a family dog, and especially for therapeutic purposes. Our best ESA is undergoing training to be a Psychiatric Service Dog and will soon be fully legally protected as a service dog!


If you are interested in a puppy from one of our upcoming litters, you may submit serious inquiries only to my personal phone.


As this is my personal cell, text is preferred for initial contact to schedule a phone call.



About how we raise our puppies: 


We keep our puppies with their mom and littermates until 8 weeks because of the important psychosocial development the pups are going through at that age. Research has shown that puppies who stay with their mother and littermates until at least 8 weeks of age demonstrate healthier social skills, brain development, manners, and overall relationships with the members of their pack at home - both human and furry! We nurture their natural desire to learn and mold healthy puppy habits (such as teaching them not to use their teeth to play with people). Every day I spend individual time with each puppy to prepare them for life after leaving our home. We utilize different training methods to prepare each pup for things like toenail clipping, having their ears cleaned, general grooming, and more. We teach commands such as "no teeth," "gentle," "wait," in tandem with positive reinforcement to establish healthy boundaries and manners with people and other pets. 


Beginning at birth, we individualize our 'training program' described above to suit each puppy's personality and their needs. We remain flexible and tweak our training methods as needed for each pup. Before their eyes and ears have opened, which happens between 1.5 to 2 weeks old, our primary concern is feeding and growth. During this period, most of our time is spent teaching them how to nurse, assisting Mom, helping the pups who don't take to nursing naturally, monitoring their daily weights, and more. We begin potty training exercises at 5 days old, and start advancing the training when their eyes and ears open.


At two weeks old, or when their eyes and ears are both open, we can really begin learning who they are! We encourage local families to come visit their puppy weekly (or as often as possible) and for long distance families to FaceTime or Zoom so that Puppy and their family can get to know each other. Since implementing this, we noticed an amazing change on pick-up day after the pup had gotten to know their family (as compared to previous litters and puppies who did not have an opportunity to get to know their family). In the meantime, we immediately start socializing the puppies with children and our other dogs and pets - in stages. These carefully supervised positive reinforcement exercises are designed to teach the pup that children, strangers, and other animals are another part of life in which they learn how to co-exist without fear. The puppies learning these things so early pays off later - especially if you have children and/or a furry family at home they are joining.


Between three and four weeks old, we begin teaching them how to play with toys and how to play with people. We use several training exercises and positive reinforcement to teach manners and important commands which help provide a 'head start' of sorts for the family during the "puppy stage" at home.


We begin potty training all of our puppies between 5-7 days old. Pine potty training is advantageous in many ways. It's proves to be convenient for families living in apartments, smaller spaces, or families who travel (trays are very portable on the road and in hotels!). It also makes for an easy transition from pine potty training to full house training by sprinkling the pine (provided to you with your puppy's "Going Home" bag of gifts) in the grass outdoors each time you take your puppy outside to potty. It is important to remember that despite being potty trained, cavalier puppies still have tiny bladders and cannot hold their urine for long. Because of this, we recommend pottying your new puppy every 2 hours whether you are placing them in their potty tray or taking them outside. By 5 weeks old, we begin taking the puppies outside to potty every morning, rain or shine. This provides families a great head start.


We have found the greatest value long term to be its ability to serve as an "indoor toilet" option when our dogs are hesitant to go outside due to weather, or if they just need to go really bad. Some families continue using potty trays entirely, some keep one around for when the weather is bad (downpouring rain, snow, extreme temperatures, etc). Not only is it very useful for families living in apartments but it can be used in combination with a typical house-training regimen to serve as a secondary "emergency" indoor option. Families have reported that their potty trays prevent accidents in the house. 


On a personal note, having an indoor toilet option has been a life saver during the winter snowstorm of 2022. Many dogs (including a few of ours) are apprehensive to go outside to relieve themselves during inclement weather, so having the pine tray option for indoor use has been very helpful! Additionally, and most importantly, it is crucial to know that we do not use 'kitty litter.' Kitty litter would not work, as the dogs are attracted to the natural scent and feel of the pine. We believe the pine is far superior to kitty litter as far as odor control and mess-making. It neutralizes all odors and is very easy to maintain.


As part of our commitment to raising the best family dogs, every puppy goes home as prepared as we can make them. Each puppy will be up to date on shots (records which will be given to you), has been dewormed at 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 weeks, microchipped, and examined by our personal veterinarian. You will receive a folder with all of this information and copies of paperwork. Each puppy goes home with a generous "Going Home" bag of goodies, which includes a couple of your puppy's favorite toys, a couple new toys, items that have been rubbed on Mama's belly, a blanket Mama has been sleeping on, a well-fitting collar and leash, poop bags with dispenser, teething toys, a rope or tug toy, and a travel water dish. We also send home approximately 4 weeks of food and pine pellets.


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